March 31, 2020

How to Seek Support for Balance

Fellow mompreneur shares her community for growing your knowledge, seeking the support and aiding you on your personal and professional journeys through motherhood and being a wahm mom or aspiring mompreneur.

There is something that moms and entrepreneurs have in common and that's the feeling of being alone both physically and emotionally.

Being a work-at-home mom is definitely an uphill battle at times and the never-ending feeling of the workload bogs us down and disconnects us from the outside world.

My mantra is Envisioning, Empowering and Uniting Amazing Entrepreneurs, and that includes both mothers and mompreneurs too.

Nothing fuels my fire more than speaking to and collaborating with fellow women who are passionate and energetic.

Neither entrepreneurship or motherhood has to be lonely, you just have to find the right people and women to connect with to fuel your own fire.

Join the Millionaire Mamas Club.

So during this time of stress and strain, I will be providing a sense of community and providing support for both moms and mompreneurs with my Millionaire Mamas Club to provide you with the following:

  • Assistance with continuing to grow and develop your business during times of difficulty
  • Guidance and training on how to develop and grow your business the right way and the steps to take
  • Process-oriented training to ensure you're on the right track in both personal and professional aspects
  • Balancing the obstacles in your life
  • Self-Care Support
  • Resources and Affirmations

This will be a mixture of daily tips from a fellow mompreneur, personal development prompts, live Q&A sessions and my best practices for being a mom boss while raising little ones.

Join the Millionaire Mamas Club, a community for women by women.

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