January 22, 2019

Faith & Miracles: Mom of the Month

Our Mom of the Month, Sarah, shares her journey of faith through adoption, and proves that miracles happen at the most perfect of times.

“However motherhood comes to you, it's a miracle.”  -Valerie Harper

Faith is a beautiful thing. It can pick us up when we are down, it can give us meaning in times of pain.

Faith can carry us through times of darkness, when hope seems... well, hopeless.

High school sweethearts, Sarah and Scott, were faced with a difficult struggle in the form of infertility early on in their marriage.

After a year of trying, they sought a specialist for some guidance.

“After countless doctor visits and surgeries, we finally received some answers. To our disappointment, we discovered that we were not able to conceive naturally. Simply put, it was ‘not possible’ and this crushed me and my husband to our core.”

Despite their grief, they gave their love over to faith, and within days a miracle happened.

They got a call out of the blue from a friend.

“She said she needed to talk to me about something and I should probably sit down for what she was going to say.

“She said, ‘There is a baby,’ and began to explain the situation of how she had recently met this young lady who was pregnant and was helping her with meals and giving her a safe environment.

“Well, she said this lady wanted to place her child up for adoption...”

Sarah, being adopted herself, knew at some point her and Scott wanted to extend their family through adoption, as well.

Her faith guided her through an emotional mountain and presented her with a beautiful opportunity in the form of a baby at the very moment she needed it most.

The mountain to climb wasn’t over yet, as adoption is an extensive legal proceeding. But, again, faith prevailed for Sarah and Scott.

“After what seemed to be the longest 3 months of court hearings, never-ending paperwork, and the detailed home study, we would finally meet our miracle face to face on January 12, 2017.”

Haddie Joy entered Sarah and Scott’s family on her Gotcha Day, January 12, and officially became their child 8 months later.

“Every mountain, tear, pain, surgery, doctor visit, piece of paperwork and court hearing was all swept away in the very moment we laid eyes on our miracle baby, Haddie Joy. I never knew someone I’d never met before could give me so much joy. She was and is my biggest miracle!”

Sarah is a visionary in life. She sees a problem and finds a solution. When her husband kept getting ill, she determined the problem was chemicals, so she, in turn, developed the Unpaper Towel, a beautiful environmentally-friendly solution in a world full of waste.

Sarah - Mother & Entrepreneur, The Unpaper Towel

In times of darkness, she used her faith to guide her down a different path toward a beautiful little girl, Haddie Joy. And for that, we rejoice and hope that we can all learn from her in our times of difficulty.

I asked Sarah to shed some wisdom onto those preparing to undergo the amazing journey of adoption and the trials they might face.

Her response was perfect: “I would tell them to get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. It truly is rewarding when it’s all said and done. But in the middle of it all, it is easy to just stop the process and throw in the towel. But don’t. The child on the other end of it all is worth the trials and emotions. We prayed over the crib every single night that God would protect this baby and bring her home soon. And He did just that!”

If you feel your doors are closing and your journey is ending, look towards faith to guide you onto the path you are really meant to follow. Sometimes the path is more beautiful that you ever thought possible, even if they become mountains to climb, faith will show you the way.

Within this beautiful story, we have one more gift to share with you.

Even with all of these blessings, Sarah and her husband have been blessed with something else.

Despite all odds, they were blessed with child set to arrive later this year.

So, again, faith continues to prevail. He still works miracles.

Share your adoption journey below.

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